Schweisser Team Group Quality Policy


Schweisser Team is committed to providing the highest quality pre-production and production processes in welding, piping and engineering work as well as providing the highest quality service in the provision of skilled personnel in the welding , piping and scaffolding work in the industry. Our goal is to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations through continuous improvement of our processes, technology and personnel.

Basic principles:

1. Customer focus: Understand the needs and expectations of our customers – Provide products and services that meet or exceed their requirements – Maintain open and transparent communication with customers.

2. Quality of products and services:- Use the best available technology and materials.- Comply with all relevant standards and regulations in welding, piping and scaffolding work.- Carry out thorough quality checks at all levels of production and installation.

3. Continuous improvement: – Analyse and evaluate our processes to identify areas for improvement – Implement innovative solutions to improve efficiency and quality – Encourage employees to make suggestions for improvement.

4. Employee training and development: – Invest in the training and certification of our employees in welding, piping and scaffolding – Promote a culture of continuous learning and professional growth – Ensure that all employees understand and adhere to our quality policy – Commit to providing qualified personnel to our customers as part of our service.

5. Health and Safety: – Comply with all safety regulations and standards – Create a safe and healthy work environment – Regularly train employees on safety procedures and hazards associated with welding, piping and scaffolding work.

6. Sustainability and environmental protection: – Minimize the negative impact of our activities on the environment. – Promote recycling and responsible waste management. – Use environmentally friendly technologies and materials.

Quality objectives:

1. Increase customer satisfaction by 5% per year.
2. Reduce the number of unfulfilled orders by 25% per year
3. Improve manufacturing and installation process efficiency by 15% within two years.
4. Increase employee training levels by 20% per year.

Every employee of the Schweisser Team Group is responsible for the quality of his/her work and for compliance with this quality policy. Management is committed to providing the necessary resources and support to achieve the established quality objectives.


The Schweisser Team Group is committed to providing high quality welding, piping and scaffolding products and services that meet the highest standards in the industry. We continually strive to improve our processes and capabilities to ensure the long-term satisfaction of our customers and the success of our company.